Top 10 Most HARMFUL Foods People Keep EATING

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Many people continue to eat unhealthy foods due to a lack of knowledge about what they are consuming. In some cases, individuals may be misled by false information regarding the nutritional value of certain foods. In this article, the speaker will discuss the real reasons why it is important to avoid ten specific foods.

The first food on the list is canned soup, which is often enriched and processed, leading to depletion of nutrients. Wheat, a common allergen, is also discussed in detail, as it is often genetically altered and stripped of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. Other foods to avoid include those containing monosodium glutamate, cornstarch, soy protein isolate, and high levels of phosphate. Additionally, the article delves into the risks associated with consuming white bread, canned tuna, and diet soda, all of which have potential negative health effects.

Understanding Food Labels

When it comes to making healthy food choices, understanding food labels is crucial. Unfortunately, many people are confused by the information presented on food labels and end up making poor choices as a result. Here are some key things to look out for when reading food labels:

  • Enriched Foods: This term should be a red flag, as it means that the food has been processed and depleted of nutrients. Enriched foods are often high in salt and other additives, making them a poor choice for those looking to eat healthily.
  • Wheat: Wheat is one of the most common allergens and can cause gut irritation and food sensitivities. Additionally, the modern form of wheat is genetically altered and contains high levels of a specific kind of gluten that many people have a hard time tolerating.
  • Canned Tuna: While it may be convenient and tasty, canned tuna can contain high levels of mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin. Pregnant women are advised to avoid tuna altogether due to its potential impact on fetal brain development.
  • Diet Soda: While it may not spike insulin or break a fast, diet soda is not a healthy choice. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose have been linked to a range of health problems, including neurological issues and cancer.

When reading food labels, it’s important to look beyond the marketing claims and understand the ingredients and nutritional information presented. By making informed choices, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

The Truth About Enriched Foods

Enriched foods are processed and depleted foods. The word “enriched” should be a warning sign because it means that they took away a lot and put back a little. It’s like taking a dollar from someone and giving them a penny back and calling it enrichment. Canned soup is an example of enriched food that should be avoided. The only thing objectionable about canned soup is salt, which is relatively safe.

Wheat is one of the most common allergens, and there’s virtually no one that tolerates wheat properly anymore. Wheat also contains something called wheat agglutinin, which is a lectin that damages the surface of certain structures. It promotes gut irritation, leaky gut, and food sensitivities by irritating and damaging the inside of blood vessels called the intima. Most wheat is produced with glyphosate, which is a probable carcinogen and has been banned in many countries around the world. White bread, which is hybridized and genetically altered to give higher yields, is not a great food. It has higher levels of a specific kind of gluten that’s extra-sticky and makes it super fluffy. The starch is another form of sugar, bran is the fiber, and germ is where the vitamins and minerals are. When they process it to turn it into white bread, they remove the fiber and all the nutrients, making it empty calories.

Canned tuna, which is convenient, filling, and tasty, has something called mercury. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that prevents the proper formation of the baby’s brain and nervous system. Pregnant women should avoid tuna altogether. Diet soda is not food, and it’s not recommended to consume it. Aspartame, one of the more popular artificial sweeteners, breaks down into formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid, and ethanol, which is wood alcohol. The other popular artificial sweetener, sucralose, also known as Splenda, is not natural, as it was marketed. It’s not recommended to consume artificial sweeteners.

In conclusion, enriched foods, canned soup, white bread, canned tuna, and diet soda should be avoided. They are processed and depleted foods that are not good for health. It’s important to choose whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients and do not contain harmful substances.

Dangers of Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an excitotoxin and a neurotoxin that is commonly added to food to enhance its flavor. It tricks the brain into thinking that the food tastes better than it actually does, which can lead to overeating. MSG is known to kill brain cells and has been linked to various health problems.

Here are some of the dangers of consuming MSG:

  • Excitotoxicity: MSG can cause overexcitation of brain cells, leading to their death. This can result in brain damage and neurological disorders.

  • Headaches: MSG has been known to cause headaches in some people, particularly those who are sensitive to it.

  • Allergic reactions: Some people may have an allergic reaction to MSG, which can cause symptoms such as hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

  • Obesity: MSG can stimulate the appetite and lead to overeating, which can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

  • Cardiovascular disease: MSG has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and heart disease.

It is important to note that MSG is often hidden in processed foods under different names, such as yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and natural flavorings. Therefore, it is crucial to read food labels carefully and avoid products that contain MSG or its derivatives.

Overall, consuming MSG should be avoided as much as possible due to its potential health risks.

The Problem with Cornstarch

Cornstarch is a common ingredient in many processed foods. However, it is not a healthy choice for several reasons. One of the main issues with cornstarch is that it is often modified, which means it could contain just about anything.

Additionally, cornstarch is a refined carbohydrate, which means it is stripped of its fiber and nutrients. This can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, which is a problem for those with diabetes or insulin resistance.

Furthermore, cornstarch is often used as a thickener in foods, which can make them more calorie-dense. This can contribute to weight gain and other health problems.

Overall, it is best to avoid foods that contain cornstarch and opt for whole, unprocessed foods instead.

Unmasking Yeast Extract

Yeast extract is a commonly used food additive that is often used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods. It is often used as a substitute for monosodium glutamate (MSG) or other synthetic artificial flavoring agents. Yeast extract is derived from yeast and is used to add a savory flavor to foods.

However, yeast extract is often a pseudonym for monosodium glutamate or other synthetic artificial flavoring agents. MSG is an excitotoxin and a neurotoxin that can make your brain think food tastes better than it does and can kill brain cells. MSG can also make you eat more of certain foods than your body normally would.

Yeast extract is also often used in processed foods as a flavoring agent. This means that it can be used to enhance the flavor of foods that are otherwise lacking in taste. This is often done to make processed foods more appealing to consumers.

In addition, yeast extract is often used in processed foods as a preservative. This means that it can help to extend the shelf life of foods and prevent them from spoiling. However, the use of preservatives in processed foods has been linked to a number of health problems, including cancer and other diseases.

Overall, yeast extract is a commonly used food additive that is often used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods. However, it is often a pseudonym for monosodium glutamate or other synthetic artificial flavoring agents and can be harmful to your health if consumed in large amounts. It is important to read food labels carefully and avoid processed foods that contain yeast extract or other harmful additives.

Risks of Soy Protein Isolate

Soy protein isolate is a processed form of soy that is harshly treated with solvents and acid to isolate the proteins. It is often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan diets. However, there are several risks associated with consuming soy protein isolate.

Firstly, soy contains compounds called phytoestrogens that can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. This can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to various health issues, including breast cancer, thyroid dysfunction, and infertility.

Additionally, the harsh processing methods used to create soy protein isolate can lead to the formation of toxic compounds like hexane and aluminum. These compounds have been linked to neurological damage, respiratory issues, and even cancer.

Furthermore, soy protein isolate is often genetically modified, which can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the destruction of natural habitats.

Consuming soy protein isolate may also lead to digestive issues, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. This is because soy contains compounds that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and cause inflammation in the gut.

Overall, it is recommended to avoid consuming soy protein isolate and opt for whole, unprocessed sources of protein instead. This can include beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds.

Understanding Phosphate Imbalance

Phosphate is an essential mineral that works in balance with calcium in the body. The human body has 10 parts calcium to 4 parts phosphorus in the bones. When there is an excess of phosphorus in the body, it can unbalance the calcium levels, leading to calcium depletion from the bones. This can promote bone loss and osteoporosis.

Phosphate is commonly found in processed foods, and consuming too much of it can cause an imbalance in the body. Canned soup is an example of a processed food that contains phosphate. Enriched foods are processed and depleted of nutrients, and they often contain high levels of phosphate.

It is important to maintain a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Consuming too much phosphate can lead to an excess of phosphorus, which can unbalance the calcium levels in the body. This can cause calcium depletion from the bones and promote bone loss and osteoporosis. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of processed foods that contain high levels of phosphate.

The Downside of Canned Soup

Canned soup is often considered a convenient and quick meal option, but it may not be the healthiest choice. Enriched canned soups are processed and depleted of nutrients, making them less nutritious than homemade soups. They also often contain high levels of salt, which can be harmful to health.

Moreover, canned soups may contain other harmful ingredients such as mono sodium glutamate, cornstarch, cane sugar, yeast extract, soy protein isolate, and phosphate. Mono sodium glutamate is a neurotoxin that can kill brain cells and make people eat more of certain foods than their body normally would. Cornstarch is a modified form of corn starch that could mean just about anything. Cane sugar and flavoring could mean anything, and yeast extract is often a pseudonym for monosodium glutamate or other synthetic artificial flavoring agents. Soy protein isolate is harshly processed and then isolated, making it not a great food. Finally, phosphate can promote bone loss and osteoporosis.

Therefore, canned soup should be avoided whenever possible. People should be cautious when consuming processed foods that contain a long list of ingredients.

Why Avoid White Bread

White bread is a common food item that many people consume regularly. However, it is important to note that there are several reasons why white bread should be avoided.

Firstly, white bread is hybridized, which means it has been genetically modified to give higher yields and be more resistant to weather. This genetic modification has also led to higher levels of a specific kind of gluten that is extra-sticky, making the bread super fluffy. However, most people have a hard time tolerating this kind of gluten, which can lead to digestive problems.

Secondly, the wheat grain used in white bread has three parts: starch, bran, and germ. During processing, the fiber and nutrients are removed, leaving behind empty calories. This is the main reason why mainstream health experts do not recommend white bread, as it has a high glycemic index and can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly.

Moreover, wheat contains wheat agglutinin, a lectin that can damage the gut lining and promote gut irritation and leaky gut. It can also damage the inside of blood vessels, leading to inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Most wheat is produced with glyphosate, a probable carcinogen that has been banned in many countries.

Lastly, whole grain bread is often promoted as a healthier alternative to white bread, but the differences between the two are minimal. Whole grain bread keeps the bran and germ, which are beneficial, but the glycemic index is still high. The bottom line is that both white bread and whole grain bread should be avoided due to their negative impact on health.

In summary, white bread should be avoided due to its genetic modification, lack of nutrients, lectin content, glyphosate use, and high glycemic index. It is recommended to choose healthier alternatives such as sprouted grain bread or sourdough bread.

The Issue with Wheat

Wheat is one of the most common allergens, and virtually no one tolerates it properly anymore. The wheat grain has three parts: starch, bran, and germ. The starch is another form of sugar, bran is the fiber, and germ is where the vitamins and minerals are. However, when processed to turn it into white bread, the fiber and nutrients are removed, making it empty calories. The mainstream doesn’t recommend it because it has a very high glycemic index, which means it raises blood sugar tremendously fast.

Wheat also contains wheat agglutinin, which is a lectin that damages the surface of certain structures, including the gut lining and blood vessels. This damage promotes gut irritation, leaky gut, food sensitivities, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation. Most wheat is produced with glyphosate, a probable carcinogen that has been banned in many countries around the world.

Whole grain bread is promoted as a health food, but it’s virtually identical to white bread, except for keeping the bran and germ. The glycemic index is only slightly lower, and people still react to it, causing inflammation at many different levels. Therefore, it’s recommended to avoid both white and whole grain bread.

The Risks of High Glycemic Index Foods

Processed and enriched foods are often high in glycemic index, which means they can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This can lead to a host of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

One example of a high glycemic index food is white bread. This bread is often made from hybridized wheat that has been genetically altered to give higher yields and more gluten. The starch in white bread is another form of sugar, and the fiber and nutrients have been removed during processing. As a result, white bread has a very high glycemic index of 75, which is actually higher than table sugar.

Canned soup is another example of a high glycemic index food. Enriched with processed and depleted ingredients, canned soup can lead to imbalanced calcium and phosphorus levels in the body, promoting bone loss and osteoporosis. Canned tuna, while convenient and tasty, should also be consumed in moderation due to its high mercury content.

Diet soda, despite being marketed as a healthier alternative to regular soda, is not a food and should be avoided. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose can break down into harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and ethanol, which can lead to a range of health problems.

Overall, it is important to be mindful of the glycemic index of the foods you consume and to opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.

The Impact of Lectins on Health

Lectins are a type of protein found in many foods, including grains, legumes, and nightshade vegetables. While they are not inherently harmful, some individuals may be sensitive to them, experiencing symptoms such as digestive discomfort, inflammation, and autoimmune reactions.

One lectin that has received significant attention is wheat agglutinin, found in wheat and other grains. Research suggests that this lectin can damage the gut lining and promote leaky gut syndrome, leading to food sensitivities and inflammation.

In addition to wheat agglutinin, other lectins found in foods such as beans, tomatoes, and potatoes have been linked to health issues. For instance, tomato lectin has been shown to promote inflammation in the body and exacerbate symptoms of arthritis.

While avoiding lectins altogether may not be necessary or even advisable for everyone, some individuals may benefit from reducing their intake of lectin-containing foods or experimenting with a lectin-free diet to see if it improves their symptoms.

Overall, more research is needed to fully understand the impact of lectins on health and to determine the best approach for managing lectin sensitivity.

The Problem with Glyphosate

Glyphosate is a probable carcinogen that is commonly used in the production of wheat, which is one of the most common allergens. It has been banned in many countries around the world due to its harmful effects on human health.

Glyphosate is also found in processed foods, such as canned soup, which is enriched with depleted and processed ingredients. Enriched foods are processed and stripped of nutrients, leaving only a small amount of beneficial components. Cornstarch, cane sugar, flavoring, and yeast extract are commonly found in processed foods and can have harmful effects on the body.

Soy protein isolate is another example of a harshly processed food that is often found in processed foods. It is produced by processing soy with solvents and acid to isolate the proteins, resulting in a food that is harshly processed and lacking in nutrients.

Phosphate, another common ingredient in processed foods, can lead to an imbalance of calcium in the body and promote bone loss and osteoporosis.

It is important to avoid foods that contain glyphosate and other harmful ingredients. Canned soup, white bread, canned tuna, and diet soda are just a few examples of foods that should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether. By making healthier food choices, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.

The Misconception About Wheat Bread

Wheat bread is often promoted as a healthier alternative to white bread, but this is a misconception. In reality, wheat bread is not much better than white bread and can actually be harmful to one’s health.

Wheat is one of the most common allergens, and virtually no one tolerates it properly anymore. Additionally, wheat bread is often made from hybridized wheat that has been genetically altered to give higher yields and higher levels of a specific kind of gluten that is extra-sticky. This makes the bread chewy and fluffy, but most people have a hard time tolerating that kind of gluten.

The wheat grain has three components: starch, bran, and germ. When wheat is processed to turn it into white bread, the fiber and nutrients are removed, leaving behind empty calories. This is the main reason why mainstream health experts do not recommend white bread.

Furthermore, wheat contains wheat agglutinin, which is a lectin that can damage the surface of certain structures in the body, including the gut lining and blood vessels. This can promote gut irritation, leaky gut, food sensitivities, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation.

Most wheat is produced with glyphosate, a probable carcinogen that has been banned in many countries around the world. Therefore, it is best to avoid wheat bread and opt for healthier alternatives like whole grain bread that still contains the bran and germ.

The Issue with Canned Tuna

Canned tuna is a popular food item for its convenience and taste. However, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with consuming it regularly. Tuna is a large fish and a predator, which means it accumulates toxins from the smaller creatures it consumes, such as mercury.

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can interfere with the proper formation of the brain and nervous system. A study recommended that pregnant women avoid consuming tuna altogether due to the risk of mercury exposure. It is important to note that if mercury has such effects on a developing fetus, it is best to limit its consumption in general.

While canned tuna may not need to be avoided completely, it is best not to treat it as a staple food. Consuming it every couple of weeks or once a month is a safer option. It is important to be cautious and mindful of the potential risks associated with consuming canned tuna regularly.

Understanding Mercury Contamination

Canned tuna, as well as any kind of tuna, contains mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin. When tuna eats smaller creatures of the ocean, it concentrates all the toxins in those smaller creatures. Pregnant women are recommended to avoid tuna altogether because mercury prevents the proper formation of the baby’s brain and nervous system. However, it’s not necessary to avoid it completely, but it’s best not to treat it as a staple and eat it only occasionally, perhaps every couple of weeks or once a month.

It’s important to note that mercury contamination is a significant issue, and it’s crucial to be careful about the fish that you consume. Mercury can cause severe health problems, and it’s essential to limit your exposure to it.

Why Avoid Diet Soda

Diet soda is a popular drink among people who want to lose weight or control their sugar intake. However, it is not a healthy choice. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose, which can have negative effects on the body.

Aspartame, one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, breaks down into formaldehyde and ethanol in the body. Formaldehyde is a toxic substance used in embalming, and ethanol is a type of alcohol that can cause blindness. The list of complaints about aspartame is endless, but it is still used in many diet sodas.

Sucralose, also known as Splenda, is another popular artificial sweetener. It is marketed as a natural sweetener, but it is not. It is made by chlorinating sugar, which changes its chemical structure. Although it is not as harmful as aspartame, it can still have negative effects on the body.

Diet soda does not provide any nutritional value and can actually harm the body. Studies have linked diet soda consumption to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. It is best to avoid diet soda and opt for healthier alternatives such as water, herbal tea, or natural fruit juice.

The Dangers of Aspartame

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is commonly used in diet soda. However, it is important to note that aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde and ethanol, which are toxic substances. Formaldehyde is used as an embalming fluid, while ethanol is wood alcohol and can cause blindness.

Although there are many complaints about aspartame, it is still widely used. The other popular artificial sweetener, sucralose (also known as Splenda), is marketed as natural, but it is not. The manufacturers of sucralose have implied that it is as natural as carbohydrate and sea salt, but this is not true.

Consuming aspartame and other artificial sweeteners can have negative effects on the body. It is important to limit or avoid these substances altogether.

The Truth About Sucralose

Sucralose, also known as Splenda, is a popular artificial sweetener that is marketed as a natural alternative to sugar. However, it is important to note that sucralose is not a natural substance, despite what its manufacturers claim.

Sucralose is made by chemically modifying sugar molecules, which alters its taste and makes it much sweeter than regular sugar. While it is true that sucralose is not metabolized by the body in the same way as sugar, it is still considered an artificial sweetener and has been linked to a number of health concerns.

One of the main issues with sucralose is that it has been shown to disrupt the balance of gut bacteria in some people, which can lead to digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Additionally, some studies have suggested that sucralose may have a negative impact on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, which could increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Another concern with sucralose is that it has been linked to an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. While the evidence is not yet conclusive, some studies have found that sucralose can cause DNA damage and lead to the formation of cancerous tumors in animals.

Despite these potential risks, sucralose is still widely used in a variety of processed foods and beverages. It is important for consumers to be aware of the potential health risks associated with consuming this artificial sweetener and to limit their intake as much as possible.