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[Sticky] Welcome to the Bug Bungalow – Don’t let the bed bugs bite!

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Greetings, illustrious Soulminates!

Welcome to our quirky little Bug Bungalow! This corner of our Soulminate universe is where we hang out with the uninvited, pesky critters that sometimes show up unannounced (read: bugs). As we grow and improve, (especially starting as such a young, vulnerable sapling of a site, slipping into a scary growth spurt!) Things may get a bit wild here or there and your helping eyes, spotting these digital stowaways, are crucial for keeping our community's space clean and bug-free.

Soulminate, much like the human soul, is a beautiful work in progress. And like any good transformation story, we have our share of silly mishaps. And by silly mishaps, we mean those weird glitches, occasional hiccups, and sometimes a bug deciding it's having a pool party on our site.

Here's how you can be the superhero in our bug-tracking saga:

  1. Detail, Detail, Detail: The devil is in the details, they say. So let's outwit him. Share as much information as possible - what happened, where it happened, what you had for breakfast - well, maybe not the last one, but you get the idea.

  2. A Picture is Worth...: A good screenshot is like a map to the hidden treasure of solutions. It helps us locate the bug quicker and squish it faster!

  3. Patience, Grasshopper: Remember, we're all in this cosmic journey of self-growth together, bugs included. As we charm these bugs into leaving, your patience is much appreciated. Remember, even bugs have their path to enlightenment, and ours involves kindly escorting them off the site.

As we continue this incredible journey together, we thank you for your understanding, your cooperation, and most of all, your amazing sense of humor. Each bug we catch and release (into the wilds of cyberspace, away from our site) is one step closer to making Soulminate the best it can be.

Thanks for rolling up your sleeves and getting into the bungalow with us. Here's to fewer bugs and more enlightening, soul-nurturing connections!

Keep smiling, keep growing, and remember, the only good bug is a reported bug!

Love and Light,


This topic was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Soulminate

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